PPCC - Prince of Peace Catholic Community
PPCC stands for Prince of Peace Catholic Community
Here you will find, what does PPCC stand for in Non-Profit Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Prince of Peace Catholic Community? Prince of Peace Catholic Community can be abbreviated as PPCC What does PPCC stand for? PPCC stands for Prince of Peace Catholic Community. What does Prince of Peace Catholic Community mean?Prince of Peace Catholic Community is an expansion of PPCC
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Alternative definitions of PPCC
- Provisioning Production Contract Code
- Parenthesis Parent-Child Center
- past performance coordinating committee
- past performance coordinating council
- Pikes Peak Community College
- Pharma People Connect for Charity
- Prince of Peace Catholic Church
View 27 other definitions of PPCC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- PEC Pedernales Electric Cooperative
- PLCC Portage Lakes Career Center
- PCA Primary Care Associates
- PFCO People's Food Co-Op
- PCSS Pioneer Charter School of Science
- PNL Pond North LLP
- PP The Pillar Project
- PMA Polaris Media Asa
- PHHKJRG Pizza Hut Hong Kong at Jardine Restaurant Group
- PEMC Palmetto Exterminators and Mosquito Control
- PTI Precision Technology Inc.
- PCCA Pennsylvania Convention Center Authority
- PQC Progressive Quality Care
- PBCL Project Build Co Ltd
- PFT Pilgrim Films and Television
- PAN Pennsylvania Association of Notaries
- PPC Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy
- PCCNM PCC Natural Markets